Alexander Caesario Bangun --- Pontianak, Indonesia


Week 01

  1. Grep Command in Linux Examples
    This website contains a lot of syntaxes we can use while using grep commands. It certainly helps in a case where a simple regex expression can be used to get a select string or text.

  2. Sed Command in Linux Examples
    This webpage contains a lot of syntaxes using the sed commands. It certainly does make me realise that it can be applied in replacing select keywords and even more, and I believe it would be quite useful.

  3. Awk Command in Linux Examples
    This webpage contains a lot of syntaxes using the awk commands. Something that interest me is that after skimming, I realised that awk is quite enjoyable and simplifies the syntaxes instead of using other commands.

  4. Basic Linux Commands This webpage contains 35 Linux Basic commands commonly used. It has certainly helped me understand how to manipulate files inside the Linux as well as get me comfortable with it.

  5. Regex Cheatsheet This webpage contains several commands you can apply while using regex in Linux. It is very useful as it clearly states how regex can be applied as well as it can be used in a similar fashion in Linux terminals.

Week 02

  1. C Language Basics
    This website shows the main basics of C, from program structure and syntax. I feel that this is necessary in order to understand the basics of C.

  2. C Language Cheatsheet
    This website has all the methods necessary for the C programming language. I feel that this could help myself in programming C in the case I may forgot any syntax.

  3. Top 10 most common cybersecurity attacks
    This website has a list of the most common cybersecurity attacks. Therefore, I believe that it can be used to point out what type of attacks that are usually conducted.

Week 03

  1. Linux File Hierarchy Structure
    This website contains the different types of directory in Linux’s FHS. The explanations in this website are short and precise, and is easy to understand for me.

  2. Mounting a disk in Linux
    This website shows steps in mounting and unmounting a disk in Linux. I beleive it is useful in cases where we need to mount new hard disks into Linux.

  3. File Systems in OS
    This website shows the main basics of file systems in all operating systems. I feel that it is useful to understand the basics of how file systems in OS works.

Week 04

  1. CS50 Lecture – Memory
    This video is a lecture from Harvard’s CS50. For me, the main explanation regarding the memory mechanism starts at the “Memory addresses” timestamp (at 00:27:50), where how numbers are stored in memory are explained, followed by C code demonstration and an explanation of pointers. Memory management is also discussed in this video.

  2. What is Little-Endian and Big-Endian
    This website shows a brief explanation regarding byte organsiation and endianness: big-endian and little-endian. Sometimes, I got them mixed up, so having a better understanding of how bytes are organised in memory is still important.

  3. C Pointers
    This website mainly discusses pointers in C, including their syntax and their types. It is mainly helpful in understanding how pointers work, as well as a cheatsheet to all operations that can be applied on them.

Week 05

  1. FIFO replacement algorithm
    This video is a step-by-step explanation on how the first-in-first-out algorithm works. I believe that step-by-step videos like these are very important in understanding the concept and getting a better grasp at it.

  2. LRU replacement algorithm
    This video is a step-by-step explanation on how the least recently used algorithm works. It is also easily understandable to viewers, including myself, to get the better of the conecpt of it.

  3. Optimal replacement algorithm
    This video explains about the optimal replacement algorithm, including a step-by-step trace of the example. It is very clear, especially for me, to understand the algorithm through the tracing.

  4. Frame allocations in OS
    This website explains about different types of frame allocations in OS. It is very straight-forward, and therefore very easy to understand.

  5. Demand paging
    This website briefly explains about the basics of page fault, as well as thrashing. It is important to understand these two concepts before going into deeper topics.

  6. I/O operations in C
    This website explains about I/O operations in C. I believe that this cheatsheet might help in programming with C in the future.

Week 06

  1. Visualisation of Fork operations in C
    This is a youtube video detailing how fork operations are traced, from the process of assigning IDs to the child process and more. Fork is quite complicated to understand in C, and therefore it is crucial to understand them very clearly.

  2. Syntax and code examples of fork in C
    The following are examples of the fork code in C programming language. Since we have walked through the visualisation in the video shown previously, it is important to know how to use them directly in C.

  3. Concurrency in OS
    The following website details about concurrency, as well as its principles in OS. I believe that it is very important to understand the basics, as it certainly helps to understand more about concurrency.

Week 07

  1. Introduction to Process Synchronization
    This website details about introductory topics regarding synchronization, from theprocess syncrhonisation, from race condition, critical solution problem among others. It is important to understand the core basics of synchronization before diving deep into deeper topics.

  2. setuid, setgid and Sticky Bits in Linux
    Setuid, setgid and sticky bits are a set of bits that defines the access of a file for a user with a specific privilege (similar to chmod). It will be useful to dive into this topic after getting comfortable with chmod and chown.

  3. Code multithreading explanation
    The following video is a Computerphile video regarding multithreading. Mutlithreading is not a relatively easy concept to understand and grasp, therefore an explanation in video form is very helpful. There are also snippets of C code in this video regarding the matter, explained by a University of Nottingham lecturer.

Week 08

  1. Process Scheduling in Operating System
    The following website shows about how proceses are scheduled in an operating system. Scheduling is important in order to regulate the running of processes in a multiprogrammed OS.

  2. CPU and I/O burst cycle
    The following video shows what CPU and I/O states are in the two state model. It is important to understand these topics first before going deeper into the calculations.

  3. Preemptive and nonpreemptive scheduling
    The following website shows the differences between preemptive and nonpreemptive scheduling. It is a good thing to understand these concepts to better understand scheduling.

© 2021-2021 --- Alexander Caesario Bangun --- Revision: 0018b--03-Aug-2021.